Friday, July 14, 2006

Present Company Excepted, Of Course

Over the last few weeks I've been doing a lot of work for my step-dad at his law office. General office stuff like typing and filing and printing out raffle tickets for the almighty annual charity Golf Tournament, which is vitally important to his law practice but not important enough to merit real raffle tickets.

The filing mostly involves taking the 4 and 5 lb stacks of loose paper that decorate his office and assembling some orderly, legal-looking files out of them. This seems mainly to consist of putting millions of printed-out emails into chronological order, double-hole punching them, and using these deadly praying-mantis-like prongs to attach them to one side of a file folder.

This process - finding dates, putting them in chronological order, and putting them in the appropriate files - has allowed me to watch cases evolve and devolve, as it were. I put them in order from the end to the beginning, then flip them over and file them from the beginning to the end. I can see all the back-and-forth and the arguing and the stupid pointless discussion that happens before concluding a case. And, more than any single other thing, this process has reminded me of something I've always believed.

People are stupid.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I just deleted a post from a few days ago because it was wildly misinterpreted by. . .well, by everyone.

So let me state, for the record, I WAS NOT TALKING ABOUT MY PARENTS. My parents are great. They are very, very supportive of my goals, even to the extent of contributing a whole lotta money to them.

And that will be the last post I write about myself. This blog is henceforth. . .different. I haven't decided what direction I'm going with it, exactly, but I hope everyone will remain patient while I do.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

An Inconveniently AWESOME MOVIE!!

Go see "An Inconvenient Truth."

NOW, bitches!!

Seriously. It's worth it. You might have fleeting flashbacks of being in a giant science lecture with a drony, vaguely southern, half-assed-joke-cracking professor when all you really want to do is go home and lie with your head near a toilet like normal people, but they'll pass. And you'll be a better person and a more inspired person for it.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Come Visit, Fuckers

I miss my Australian manfriends, I really do. Oh, the British ones too. I think y'all need to plan another US trip. . .Vegas repeat, anyone?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

"No, no no no way Jose!"

I need to apologize in advance for the loopiness that will probably ensue on this post. I'm tired and it's the 4th of July, and we all know what that means for the world's beer supply. So, deal.

I made the loooooong trek up to SF this weekend for to see my one true love. . .er, my old old (in friend-hood, not years) friend Sa-RAH. (I have no idea where the Christmas carol reference came from. See above.) I wish it had been under happier circumstances, which I won't get in to, but because she is supercool and has known me for way, WAY too long, it was fun anyway. We saw Nacho Libre, which was HUH-larious(Encarnacioo-O-ON!), and sang some karaoke, which, even though we forgot (or, maybe, never knew) the words to "Freedom" by George Michael, was excellent. We'd had enough to drink previous to the singing that all our mistakes and bad dancing were hilarious, rather than embarrassing. In fact, we got so in to it that the owner of the karaoke establishment sent over some shots. Alarmingly, I have no recollection of what kind of shot it was. We also went to this punky sort of place called the Hemlock, which I was kind of underwhelmed by, unfortunately. I have trouble with gothy pierced over-buckled boot people, I think because I've met so many stupid posers in my day.

Anyhoo, Sarah and her friend Sara are most likely going to be my roomies this coming year. (Yeah, I know. Going to have a problem with the Sarah/Sara thing. I feel a vodka-fueled nickname brainstorming session coming on.) That's exciting because I love the first one, don't really know but totally like the second one, and really, really need cool roomies for financial reasons.

So, even though I have insufferably negative parents (sorry, guys, but it's true. Why is it "realistic" is always BAD with you guys?), I'm feeling optimistic. Real life, it might actually be beginning for me. Wouldn't THAT be exciting.