Monday, July 25, 2005

Wayne Newton and Friends

So my two bestest buddies in the whole big fat world and I are going on a little trip. See if you can guess where we're going. The trip involves a short flight, an inaugural Jager and beer at the airport bar, 116 degree heat, and lots of fake titties. (That's right, I said titties.)

Say it with me now. . . .VEGAS BABY!!

It occurred to me that I am an ancient 22 years old and I have never been to Vegas. (Well, there was that one time with Axel Rose and the entire cast of Cats, but that didn't count.) And since I am moving to the other side of the globe in a few months, and Emilie is going to start nursing school (she's the most adorable thing in her scrubs with her green stethoscope, I just want to pinch her little nursing cheeks) and Kelly works a lot (boo!!) and is going to law school soon, I thought we should have a last Tripod bash.

Many 3x3's will be drunk (dranken? drunken?). A 3x3 is a magical drunkness-inducing potion that one must drink only with one's two best pals, or one risks a life of beer goggles and holiday sweaters. It is made up of one part ice-cold Jager shot (the cold part's optional, really) and one part Coors Light. NOT! Bud Light, but Coors Light. And if you are a beer snob who refuses to drink Coors Light (Sarah!), then you are a boob. Go drink your complex beer in a pretentious tasting room and leave me to the joy of beer-flavored water.

Much time will be spent by the pool at our cheapy-cheap Marriott (thanks Kelly bean!!), so I've decided I shall lose 5 lbs before we go. This is difficult to do on a diet of fettucine alfredo and margaritas, but I shall prevail. Sadly, I will not be able to post many pictures of us having a fabulous time in Vegas, because I predict few will be fit for sober consumption. I will, however, be selling pictures of Kelly's ginormous breastseses to pay for airfare.

In other news, I will be re-commencing my fabulous fashion writing in the Santa Cruz Sentinel soon, this weekend most likely. Check back for the link, and be prepared to feel the urge to redo your entire wardrobe. Seriously. It's a documented phenomena. What, you don't believe me?


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