Monday, November 07, 2005

No, it's not ping-pong road. . . .

The only serious problem I've discovered so far is that this place is somewhat boring. Bangkok was awful- sweaty and smelly and crowded and very, very dirty. But at least a lot of people spoke English and there were other farangs around, so you could go out at night or go shopping or sightseeing, etc. Rayong, not so much. There's the beach and there are a few okay bars around- including one that shows English soccer games, specifically ones in which Newcastle United is playing, which is a necessity of life to my British friend Graeme- but they get a bit repetitive if you can't meet anyone new. We're tired of beer and guessing at the menus and listening to Thai bands attempt to cover American classics.

Yesterday Graeme and I went to the beach and enjoyed freak-show status. They're much too shy here to wear regular western-style bathing suits- even the guys often go in the water with shirts and pants on. (Seems pretty funny for a country with a huge sex industry- which, by the way Kelly, is based on Patpong Road in Bangkok, so you were mostly right.) G and I attracted celebrity-style attention- including people asking to take their pictures with us!! The kids especially seem absolutely fascinated by us, asking our names over and over since they know little other English. Graeme conducted a class on the finer points of the Newcastle Untd. defense, in the water, with a bunch of awe-struck little buggers. One of the funnier things I've seen in a while.

I've taken some pictures, but I can't seem to locate my camera cord to load them on to a computer. If I find it or get a new one or whatever, I will let you all know.

I still trip out on the fact that I live in Thailand. I mean, Thailand.


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