Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm now leaving on the 28th. There, now I don't have to talk about it in the actual post.


Seriously. I'm bald. I got my hair cut on Thursday, and even though it has merely been reduced to "perfectly normal" from "frighteningly long and lifelike" IT FEELS LIKE I HAVE NO HAIR! Seriously, I run my hands through it (a step in the right direction, no?) and it, like, ENDS! I can reach the end of my hair! And it isn't trying to eat my face or latch onto inanimate objects or ANYTHING!

It's freaking me out a little.

And it's so light. It hardly weighs anything, and I didn't notice that my hair weighed a lot before. But it did, because now my head feels all naked and floaty. Quite an odd feeling, but I'm not sad I cut off all that hair. Yeah it was long and people liked it, but it's hair. So unless I contract some odd tropical virus in Thailand, it WILL grow back. Knowing my schizophrenic hair, in four months it will be twice as long and harboring plans of world domination.

My new laptop came today. Vuuurrryy exciting. Of course, I IMMEDIATELY installed Oregon Trail and played a trial game. I think it will serve my needs, although it's a little heavier than I would have expected (or liked). But that's okay. I could use the muscles. And the sound is good. A big plus.

I got an email reminding me that I haven't been posting daily photos like I said I was. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know you aren't really that interested in pictures of my dogs anyway. I'll post a ton more when I get where I'm going. In the meantime, STOP BOTHERING ME. I've got enough stuff to think about right now.

Like, oh I don't know, the little minor issue that I'M MOVING TO THAILAND.


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