Tuesday, October 11, 2005

You love me, you really love me!

Yay!! I have friends!! And they're coming to see me!! And we're gonna get drunk! Yaaaaay!! Sarah and Em, you better not back out. I need some Red Room time, I need some Jager time, I need some girl time. I need to speak as much English as humanly possible. Because. . .

Things are rolling, faster and faster. I'm buying a laptop, I'm learning Thai, I'm creating lesson plans. And I wake up every morning and go HOLY SHIT. Holy, holy Jesus who wears rubber bracelets and hates the Yankees, please tell me what in Satan's name I am doing!!! Did somebody put crack cocaine in my apple juice? (Which of course makes me go, OH MY GOD, they don't have apple juice in Thailand! How will I survive without apple juice? This is a baaaaad idea.)

And I don't think it is, really. A bad idea, I mean. I think probably it's a great idea. It's just that it's a hard idea. As in, this is going to be very, very hard. As in, I don't speak Thai, I've never taught anything before, I'm going to be by myself, I'm not 100% sure I like Thai food, and I know this sounds racist but what if I can't tell any of the Thai people apart?

But then I talk myself down. Like, yes it's going to very hard. Especially at first. But it'll only get easier from there. And think how cool you will feel coming back to the US speaking and cooking Thai. How many people can say that?

At the very least, you can get a cool lotus-flower tattoo.


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