Saturday, October 29, 2005

I made it! I think.

Author's Note: this is pretty much word-for-word the email I just sent out to my parents, etc. I don't have the energy to write a whole new witty recap thing. You'll take your recycled news and YOU'LL LIKE IT. DON'T ARGUE WITH THE SWEATY JET-LAGGED PERSON!!!

Hello everyone! I made it to Bangkok in one piece, though I'm really not sure where I am or what day it is or what the hell is going on. I didn't realize being on an airplane for 22 hours could be so debilitating. Although on the long haul, to Taipei (which turned out to be 13 hours, for everyone who asked), I did get my own row of three seats so I got to lie down and also had 3 pillows and 3 blankets. LIVING LARGE. But now I'm here, in a chi-chi mall near my hotel. I was met at the airport by a very nice man named Tang who is basically leading me around on a leash at this point, I'm so brain-dead. Next we're going to the hotel and I am going to crash I don't care what you say about getting on the right time zone Mom. Sleep is what I need and sleep I will have. It's hot and crowded and I've probably never smelled so bad in my life, except for that one time and Emilie, you know what I mean.

Tomorrow I will "relax," which from the looks of things around here means I'm going to sleep until noon and then do some serious shopping. Julia, you would have had several heart attacks at the various airports. Visions of duty-free Coach and Versace and Mac, etc.

On Monday (in case you're confused, it is currently 5:30 on Saturday evening here) I will go to the ECC head office for my orientation. That seems to be a pretty perfunctory affair. Then I'll go to Rayong. I guess. Very unclear, but Masako, my main contact, is supposed to call me tomorrow night to give me all the details and answer my questions. Unfortunately, I don't think she'll be able to answer my most pressing question, which is WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE?

My computer battery plunked out after one too many games of Solitaire on the plane, so who knows when I will get online again. That's what I get for bringing drug-store sleeping pills and not the good stuff.

Miss you guys already but not as much as I miss my bed. And Sid.

P.S. This is going to sound horribly racist, possibly, but it's so Asian here. I mean, it's just like in the movies with the honking and billboards and the food stalls. It's tripping me out, a little bit. But that could also be the spicy soup with meatballs that I had for lunch that was delicious until I bit into one of the meatballs and something crunched. I swear to god, there was this little hard thing in one of the meatballs. After that, not so delicious. But I'm too tired and overwhelmed and shy to be that hungry anyway.


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