Part 3 of 3: Happy Burfday Kelly Bean!

Anyone watch MTV? Anyone, anyone? (Bueller, Bueller.) Well, if you happened to catch even a microsecond of Real World: Las Vegas, chances are you saw either Ghostbar or Rain, the two hot spots at The Palms. Those are the spots we went to Thursday night for Kelly's big 2-3. Her birthday was actually Friday, but since no one goes anywhere until about 11:30, it was close enough. The Aussie boys accompanied us, although we had to send them back to their hotel to put on pants and real shoes. Apparently Australia is like Santa Cruz in that flip-flops are the footwear of choice.
The bouncer asked us "Cuantos muchos?" which confused the hell out of me until I figured he was trying to ask "How many?" I had already done a few Jager shots straight from the bottle and was working on my third or maybe seventh Coors Light, which might have been the problem.
Rain is hot, and I don't mean that in a Paris Hilton kind of way. I mean it in a surface of the sun kind of way. Lots of dancing, lots of sweating. Verrrrrrry good times. Every song they played was one of those songs where the crowd starts screaming with happy recognition after the first few chords. We danced and danced and danced and danced and. . .well, you get the picture. I do love me some booty-shaking, even though I have very little booty to shake.
After the sweaty dancing got to be just too much for even me, we journeyed up to the top floor of The Palms to Ghostbar. THE ultimate coolest bar in the universe. 60-odd floors up, it juts out over the street and has A PLEXIGLASS FLOOR. I luurrvv heights, if you didn't know. (When I went skydiving in Arizona, I tried to talk the pilot into taking me just a leeetle bit higher than the 12,000 feet I'd signed up for.) Had a great time scaring the panties off my friends by jumping up and down on the plexiglass floor.
Around, I don't know, morning, we left Ghostbar. I think I actually went to sleep around 7:30 or 8, got maybe an hour and a half of sleep. Then we got up and started packing in that frantically confused way girls have. It was amazing how much my stuff had expanded after only three days. I got to the airport pretty early because everyone else's flights were before mine and I didn't feel like hanging around Vegas alone. Too hot. Proved to be a mistake because my flight was delayed by an hour and a half and so I ended up hanging around the Vegas airport alone for, I don't know, maybe two weeks or so. I kept eating junk food because there was nothing else to do. Did you know Pizza Hut has quite worthwhile buffalo wings? Not quite Saturn Cafe standards, but not bad. I also watched "Texas Justice" on t.v., which is really a very interesting show. Nothing could make me dislike Texas more than I already do, but this show certainly would have helped if I'd had any questions in that regard.
But I finally got home, ate some cheesy rice (natch) and went to sleep around 9:30. I slept until 3:30 yesterday, by the way. And took another little catnap around 7.
So Vegas is done, and though I might have left out a few of the more salacious details, everyone I trust enough to tell those details was on the trip with me.
Again, for pictures, click here.
I am definitely going to Vegas over winter break! I need to do what you did...but with Jason in tow. I really need a drunken weekend.
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