Monday, August 08, 2005

Finally Something About Thailand

Things are gearing up for my movement abroad. The agency I'm working through, I-to-I, just requested an ass-load of documentation. And not just any ass, but a huge mountainous J-Lo kind of ass-load. Basically I have to prove I am who I say I am and that I've done everything I've said I've done. (Good thing I didn't give in to the temptation to tell them I was a celebrity and they should provide a camera crew to follow my every move.) So I'm working on putting that together while also writing another article for the Sentinel. It's quite odd to go back and forth between telling someone why I want to move to Thailand and telling someone what brand of designer jeans to wear. Quite a brain switch.

Speaking of brains, it has come to my attention that my father occasionally reads this. (Hi, Daddy-O). This is unfortunate because it's going to severely restrict the number of stupid drunken pictures I feel comfortable posting. Haha, just kidding. Love is knowing a person inside and out, drunk and sober, right KBR?

Which is good because I leave tomorrow for Las Vegas, and much drinking will happen. I mean, why else would four 22/23-year-old ladies go to Las Vegas? Besides the male strippers, I mean. I'm also quite looking forward to coming home from Las Vegas, because then I won't have to resist the urge to sing "Leaving Las Vegas" anymore.

So no posts until Friday or Saturday, probably, but the wait will so be worth it. Because when I get back I'll have all sorts of fun pictures to post.

I'm going to have to say it. . Good Times!


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