Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Exhorbitant? Exorbitent? Exhorbetant?

Today I had one of those awesome days that starts out like crap. So you're dreading it, going "Great, this is going to be a shitty day because it started out like shit and those sort of days always continue to be shit." And then it turns out to be a great day and it's like a bonus, that it's a great day and that it's a great day that you thought would be shit.

One of the ECC girls, Lek, called me this morning at 9:30 and asked me to fill-in for a private lesson today at 1. I'm embarrassed to admit, but I'm sure you're not surprised to hear, that I was asleep at this particular moment. So I was all foggy and thinking I might still be in the dream I was having about a religion based around unicorns, and couldn't think of an excuse not to. So I said I would. And then I was like, shit. I was going to go on a long walk this morning and clean my bathroom and get some bug spray for the trail of microscopic ants leading from my similarly microscopic balcony to the trash can wherein reside two empy Sprite cans. Now I have to prepare a two-hour long lesson for a Basic-level student, which means she knows about as much English as those ants. And I don't know what the regular teacher has been teaching, so I just have to hope he's been following the book, which he probably hasn't just like I haven't been, because the book is crap.

But then things went uphill. The motorbike taxi dude tried to charge me 40 baht for what is a 30 baht ride AT MOST, and I had the cojones to say "mai, mai" and give him 30. He accepted 30 meekly and drove of, probably thinking "Wow, I sure picked the wrong farang to mess with today!" Either that or "Cheap farang bitch."

And the private lesson wasn't bad because the teacher HAD been following the book, and the girl was smart as a whip, so it was a relative breeze. I came out of that lesson at 3, and Fao told me my regular lesson (which was to have featured 3 new students of unknown abilities tonight, a fact I found out yesterday at 4:30) was canceled. A free evening! No icily air-conditioned, dead silent drive home! No lesson plan to arduously prepare!!

So I did the only thing a California girl could. I went shopping.

Just to Tesco, and I only bought a bath mat, some hangers, an alarm clock and a bit of food, but still. More shopping than I've done in a while. Exciting. And it was (again, relatively) cool this afternoon, threatening rain, so I walked back to my hotel quite comfortably with grandiose plans of redecoration. Some chicken fried rice (delicious, if a little heavy on the onion), and now Graeme and I are at an internet cafe where you get 35 minutes for 10 baht. Ten baht is about a quarter. That's awesome.

Don't know what we're going to do tonight, but I'm in such a sunny mood it doesn't really matter.

Oh, AND I found another English station on my t.v. That makes 5 English channels, which I positively exhorbitant. Is that how you spell it?


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