Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sicky McYicky

I'm sick as a tick, as a hick, (wait, I need a rhyming dictionary) sick as a fish stick.

If I were stuck on a desert island and I were this sick, my message in a bottle would say "please send ginger ale and ibuprofen."

Which reminds me of that U2 song (or was it The Police?) "Message in a Bottle," that has within it this line, "A year has passed since I wrote my note." The little sister of a very close, dear, beer-snob law-student friend of mine used to think it was "A year has passed since I broke my nose," which is quite a bit funnier and more interesting, if you think about it.

Which reminds me of several other song-lyric confusions. Such as the Flashdance song by Irene Cara, which does NOT contain this line, no matter what Jack says; "Take your pants off. . .and make it happen." Nor is the Elton John song "Tiny Dancer" really about "Tony Danza," sister Julia.

But I'm guilty too. The Johnny Rivers song is, unfortunately, about a "Secret Agent Man," not a "Secret Asian Man." Also, at Christmas, most people like to "Rock around the Christmas Tree," not "Walk around the Christmas Tree." Walking around the Christmas Tree would get pretty monotonous, I think.

Which reminds me of "So You Think You Can Dance" on Fox. Last night a judge described a dancer's routine as "monotonous" and half the crowd didn't know what in tarnation that meant, so the audience reaction was a kind of "" More entertaining than the dancing.

So, anyway, I'm sick as a flutter kick and I think I'll got back to bed now. Please send ginger ale and ibuprofen, when you get a chance.


Blogger Unknown said...

I can't believe you remebered Kaitlin's little Police obsession and subsequent misinterpretation. I laughed so hard I almost cried. Tell Julia that Kaitlin actually recorded a reprise of "Tiny Dancer" that's all about Tony Danza, sung in the voice of an old Jewish man. If I can get a copy of it, I'll send it ASAP.

6:31 PM  

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