Next you're going to tell me you drive a BMW

I went out last night with high hopes, but it SUCKED with a capital F. There has always been a surplus of ugly menfolk in this town, but it seems to be a recent development that they are all FOLLOWING ME AROUND. Two different bars last night, not a hottie to be seen. And these girls that I was hanging out with, oy. Nice in a mildly superficial, slightly snarky way, but ultimately totally unconcerned with me or my welfare, wellbeing, or fun quotient. I miss my girls thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssss much. Actually, more.
Icing on the shitty-night cake, the only guy, UGLY OR OTHERWISE, who hit on me was approximately 4 foot 7 inches tall, had a mustache (ew), and thought he'd get in my pants by telling me "There's so many ugly chicks in here, I was stoked to finally see one like you come in." THAT'S RIGHT. He hit on me by telling me I was NOT AS UGLY as everyone else.
And I am such a right raging bitch I said, "Yeah, there's a hell of a lot of ugly guys here too." END. OF. SENTENCE.
I'd have given the same response.. lol.
Anyways, just stoppin' by to say I love your blog girl.
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