Saturday, September 03, 2005

Next up at bat, Sadie the Slugger!!

I took all four members of the Mutts from Hell baseball team to get their shots this morning. There was one of those clinics at a feed store where you just line 'em up and the vet sticks 'em in and you pay and you're out. This was in Watsonville, the ghetto. Great when you have four insane dogs because really, who's going to notice four whacko terriers when there are more Chihuahuas than a Taco Bell commercial and some Rottweiler puppies whose owners are wearing actual prison jumpsuits?

I don't think all four of our dogs have ever been on the leash at the same time. . .in fact I'm not sure that Spot and Sadie have ever been on a leash at all. And they were nervous about something. I think it could have been related to the fact that it sounded like someone was taking a chainsaw to a crate of chickens inside the building. I waited in line for about twenty minutes, periodically having to crawl vertically out of the tangle of leashes, and handing out "lo siento"'s like freaking candy.

It was hellish, but now we don't have to worry about rabies (if it isn't already too late, I have my doubts) or parvo or distemper, whatever those are. I think I might suffer from distemper, and I would like a shot for it.

As long as it doesn't involve a chainsaw.


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