Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I Mean, Talk About An Anger Management Problem

One side effect of having three English tv channels is that I am quite depressingly well-informed. So I think if I had a real blog- by which I mean one that was read by people other than my mother and best friend- I think it would feature sarcastic commentary on important world events.

Like this one;

By Colin Nickerson, Globe Staff February 3, 2006
BERLIN -- An extraordinary row over newspaper cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed intensified yesterday, with street demonstrations from North Africa to Pakistan to Indonesia, threats of violence against Europeans in the Middle East, and diplomatic protests by Muslim nations.

This whole flap just bugs the heck outta me. Firstly, they're cartoons. I mean, come on. They're meant to be funny. If you don't think they're funny , don't laugh. There are lots of cartoons I think aren't funny. I don't get the big deal over Peanuts, although the animated version is kind of cute, and that one with the Republican penguin is just baffling. So I skip those during my morning perusal of The Bangkok Post (in favor of "Annie's Post" advice column, natch.) People are allowed to draw stupid things, and I'm allowed to not read them.

Alright, it's very very offensive. I'm not religious so I can't identify there, but I imagine you feel something along the lines of what I would feel if there were extremely misogynistic cartoons. Not happy, right? Offended, disappointed, concerned. . . am I getting warmer?

Yeah, well I am really offended when you BURN DOWN AN EMBASSY. Sheesh.


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