Sunday, November 20, 2005

Team America: Rayong Division

Yay for America!! I know I wouldn't normally say such a thing, as a good Bush-hating liberal, but right now I'm feeling very pro-America. There's a new kid on the block, another American girl called Kristin, and it's LO-VER-LY. It's great having another female around, and one who understands the way an American mind works, which, I've discovered, is very different from the mind of, say, a Britisher. Although the poor thing is set to start tomorrow and she only just got to Rayong this afternoon. And she'd only been in Bangkok 3 days. She's got to be reeling, and you can just bet your booties I am enjoying the role of wise teacher, educating her in the very foreign ways of Rayong and Thailand in general. I think Graeme isn't at his happiest, feeling a bit neglected, but he can just stuff it. We're attached at the hip normally, it's nice to have someone female to hang out with.

I've decided to give in and get a cell phone here. I really need one, and I'm kicking myself that I didn't bring the one I had. Once I've got it organized, I can send and receive text messages for pretty cheap, and phone calls too. One will just have to get an internatinal calling card and locate the five or so minutes in each day that we'll both be awake, and presto chango! I'll be able to chat on the phone. I'm dyyyyiinnnnnngg to talk to home. Sid especially.


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