Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Teachuuuhhh is wary byuteefull

Welp, I've begun teaching children. Little whippersnappers. No, just kidding, they're cute as hell. It's harder than teaching adults, a lot harder, but in some ways I like it better. They're so easily impressed, and they have enormous amounts of fun just, like, coloring. You can make them laugh hysterically by simply drawing a purple cow, or something. They're also very fond of the phrase "Teacher is very beautiful" which I know is just a sign of limited English but never fails to bring a smile of true pleasure to my face.

Surprisingly (or maybe not), kids are the best at saying my name (although they prefer "Teachuuuhhhh!"). With adults it's hit or miss. They sort of roll the L into an R and swallow the middle part. Imagine someone saying Roarah and gargling at the same time, and you've got my Thai name. It's not as bad as Graeme's though. They've got real trouble with that one. It mostly sounds like someone is shoving a cockroach down their throats.

It's hard work right now, mainly because I've also got an evening class of adults so I'm working from 8 am to 8 pm, but that class will end next week and then it'll get a lot easier. It's tiring and they are quite fond of the sink-or-swim approach. Either that or they get some kind of evil pleasure seeing a look of total panic and confusion cross my face.

It's cooled down quite a bit, as winter sets in. Of course, "winter" only means "just cool enough that you can walk ten feet or so before you start to sweat." I don't know how (or, honestly, if) I will make it through the summer.

P.S. This is my 80th post on this website. That's either an important milestone or a sign that my social life is in grave danger, and has been for awhile.


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