Saturday, April 01, 2006

Proudly Taking Laziness To A Whole New Level

I haven't actually managed to leave Koh Chang yet. . .although I've tried several times to go to Cambodia, an excess of sun and snorkeling and, oh yeah, al-kee-hawl, has managed to tie me to this beach as effectively as actual ropes. Unbreakable nylon polymer ropes. Of drunkeness.

I feel badly about this- I mean, what kind of a person passes up a chance to see the most beautiful and famous temple compound in the world in favor of drinking vodka out of a beach bucket and spending entire afternoons discussing if it's possible to be one's own grandfather?

I'll tell you, actually- MY KIND OF PERSON.

Because I am having so bloody much fun and meeting so many cool amigos that I just could not force myself to leave. Angkor Wat is like, really old, and therefore will most likely be there for a bit longer. So don't judge me. Because even if I'm uncultured and lazy and whatnot, I am having more fun than you!

(And oh yeah, there's a bartender/divemaster here who is the hottest guy I have ever actually met in person. In fact, hotter than many guys I have never met but only ogled on movie screens. And he speaks 4 languages. How am I supposed to turn my back on THAT??)


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