Monday, April 17, 2006

Hottie McAussiesons

Landed in Australia, two days ago now, with a vicious cold thanks to the arctic air conditioning on the plane. But the pure unadulterated joy I feel at correctly spelled menus, food that doesn't require a fire extinguisher, paved streets, and the presence of Mountain Dew would cancel out any illness save maybe bubonic plague. But throw in some macaroni and cheese and I could take the Black Death any day.

We were going to go skydiving today (my second time, Kelly's first), but those pussies claim it's too windy. So we're thinking we might get tattoos instead. You get the nerve up to jump out of an airplane, that's not something you waste. JUST KIDDING MOM!

Kind of.

Despite the fact that I can barely swallow and can't hear myself or anyone else (which makes singing along to the radio even MORE fun), I'm enjoying myself immensely. There are a nearly obscene amount of hot boys here, lots of western food, it isn't 100 degrees, and my bestest buddy is here with me. So far, Australia is agreeing with me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote the hugest comment ever, with proof that Australians are rad including tons of anecdotal evidence, but the site was down for maintenance and I lost it all. Just to let you know how much I cared.

By the way, if you come home with Kelly, I'll be there a few days after! Family reunion. BYOB.


4:49 PM  

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